-- No need to copy this inside `setup()`. Will be used automatically. { -- Module mappings. Use `''` (empty string) to disable one. mappings = { start = 'ga', start_with_preview = 'gA', },
-- Modifiers adding pre-steps ['f'] = --<function: filter parts by entering Lua expression>, ['i'] = --<function: ignore some split matches>, ['p'] = --<function: pair parts>, ['t'] = --<function: trim parts>,
-- Delete some last pre-step ['<BS>'] = --<function: delete some last pre-step>,
-- Special configurations for common splits ['='] = --<function: enhanced setup for '='>, [','] = --<function: enhanced setup for ','>, [' '] = --<function: enhanced setup for ' '>, },
let fcitx5state=system("fcitx5-remote") autocmd InsertLeave * :silentlet fcitx5state=system("fcitx5-remote")[0] | silent !fcitx5-remote -c" Disable the input method when exiting insert mode and save the state autocmd InsertEnter * :silentif fcitx5state == 2 | callsystem("fcitx5-remote -o") | endif
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=E-book viewer GenericName=Viewer for E-books Comment=Viewer for E-books in all the major formats TryExec=/opt/calibre/ebook-viewer Exec=/opt/calibre/ebook-viewer --detach %f Icon=calibre-viewer Categories=Office;Viewer; Keywords=epub;ebook;viewer; MimeType=application/x-cbz;application/x-cbc;application/x-mobipocket-ebook;application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document;application/ereader;application/x-cb7;application/x-mobi8-ebook;application/vnd.ms-word.document.macroenabled.12;application/vnd.ctc-posml;application/epub+zip;application/oebps-package+xml;image/vnd.djvu;application/x-cbr;application/x-sony-bbeb;application/x-mobipocket-subscription;
Linux KDE和Linux GNOME桌面系统都使用 Desktop
Specification来描述程序启动配置信息。Desktop Entry 文件标准是由
X Desktop Group 制定的,目前最新的版本是"Desktop Entry
Specification 1.5"。